Cathy's Writings

Posts Tagged ‘fashion blogs’

Blogging & Fashion: Like two peas in a pod

In Uncategorized on October 14, 2010 at 9:33 PM

When I first got started blogging, I was pretty unsure about the whole thing.  I thought it was kind of strange and saw it as sort of an online diary.  The more I blogged though, the more I realized that it was so much more! I really enjoy fashion and so I started searching for fashion blogs and was very pleased with what I found.

One of the first major fashion blogs that I came across was Refinery29.  This is a blog that brings you the latest news and trends in fashion and beauty as well as the newest and hottest places to shop and to find a good deal.  This is basically my #1 site for staying up to date on fashion.  A few of my other favorite fashion blogs are Style Rookie, Who What Wear and a blog by an intern friend of mine that I met two summers ago in New York called Emily Kate Farina.

I became so inspired by all of these amazing blogs, that I just HAD to make one of my own!  I named it It’sJustMyStyle and it was created in June.  It’s definitely a work in progress, but hey, it’s a start!  My advice to you if you are thinking about starting your own fashion blog is… do it!  What have you got to lose? It will put your name out there and give you a voice in the fashion world.

Hope you have enjoyed my advice!
